

Formation and Operation of Collective Efficacy : A Key to Group Productivity


집단생산성의 핵심 변수인 집단효능감의 형성과 작용

Dongseop Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The increasing emphasis on work groups in organizations has led researchers to explore the nature and functions of a key variable to group productivity - collective efficacy. Given the importance of work groups in today’s organizations, research on the collective efficacy formation mechanism and the boundary conditions of collective efficacy formation and operation seems warranted. The author attempts to provide a conceptual framework regarding: (a) the determinants of collective efficacy, (b) the mediating role of interpersonal group trust in relationships between collective efficacy and its antecedents, (c) the moderating role of collectivism/individualism in collective efficacy formation, (d) the relationship between collective efficacy and group productivity, and (e) the moderating role of task interdependence in the relationship between collective efficacy and group productivity. Theoretical and practical implications of the work are then discussed.


I. Introduction
 II. Collective Efficacy and Its Antecedents
 III. Mediating Role of Interpersonal Group Trust in Collective Efficacy Formation
 IV. Moderating Role of Collectivism/Individualism in Collective Efficacy Formation
 V. Collective Efficacy and Group Performance
 VI. Moderating Role of Task Interdependence in the Relationship between Collective Efficacy and Group Performance 
 VII. Implications


  • Dongseop Lee 이동섭. Assistant Professor, School of Business, Sogang University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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