Eco-Car Competition : Will Toyota’s Architecture Strategy Work?
We examined about the eco-cars and the architecture strategy of Toyota motors. Toyota took a stance that they would make Toyota hybrid system(THS) as a global standard eco-car. The strategy came from the severe competition on the eco-car architectures. But Toyota’s intend did not come true. The competitors make their own hybrid systems and even Nissan launched pure EV(battery based electric vehicle, BEV) or GM launched plug-in hybrid car. The competition will be happen between the two great powers. One is a car manufacturer, Toyota. Toyota has a lot of cash to invest on the fuel cell car, and indeed has been investing for a long time. Ant the other is China as a market power. China has been showing a lot of signals to focus on battery car for a recent years. And China has white gold little which is a main material of fuel cell, but has a lot of Lithium which is a main material of Li-ion battery. Toyota is taking a new strategy to make leading battery car makers non-profitable. It is to supply proved chassis to Tesla, the venture making battery cars. But the strategy will be also failed partly, because it will make the battery car popular. One more point is disruptive technology issue. BEV can destroy the traditional automobile industry, for it is a disruptive technology.
Ⅱ. 친환경자동차의 종류와 특징
Ⅲ. 도요타의 아키텍처 장악전략과 결과
Ⅳ. 미래 경쟁의 두 세력 전망
Ⅴ. 결론 및 전망