

Developing the Conceptual Framework of Corporate Sustainability Management and its empirical application to the Tobacco Industry


Ki-Hoon Lee, Eui Young Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



During the last decades corporations proved that they cause environmental and social problems but they also solve the problems. The recent global movements towards sustainable development facilitate applicable principles to corporations. These include the UN Global Compact, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the GRI sustainability reporting guidelines. By establishing the Korea Business Council for Sustainable Development (KBCSD), the Korean industries positively responded to such global movements for sustainable development. More importantly, the model of corporate sustainability management (CSM) and the CSM rating model are designed to facilitate CSM activities in Korean industries. The model has seven key areas for corporate sustainability management in Korea and the rating model has two folds: strategic and functional sustainability. In order to evaluate corporate sustainability management, four areas are identified and categorized as (i) vision & strategy (ii) economic value (iii) social value and (iv) environmental value. The empirical study is conducted in the Korean tobacco industry. Although the two companies (A and B) in tobacco industry are not largely differentiated in sub-dimensions of economic, social and environmental values, the B company showed higher scores than the A company in general. The most interesting result is in the dimension of vision and strategy. Depending upon the level of commitment on vision and strategy of corporate sustainability, overall operational sustainability can differ. To obtain validity, further applications to other industries and developing industry weights are considered for future directions.


I. Introduction
 II. Developing the framework of corporate sustainability management (CSM): The Principles and scopes
 III. The CSM Performance Measurement Framework
 IV. An Exploratory Study: Tobacco Industry in Korea
 V. Conclusions and Implications for Further Studies


  • Ki-Hoon Lee Griffith Business School, Griffith University Australia
  • Eui Young Lee Department of Economics, Kunsan National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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