

중등학교 스포츠강사제의 운영실태 및 발전과제


A Study on the Issues for Operation and Improvement of Sports Instructor System in Secondary School

노혜진, 김동규

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is to examine the operational characteristics of the sports instructor system in the secondary schools and look for the improvement plans associated with it. All secondary school across the nation adopted the sports instructor system as elective in order to cultivate the upright character and build up the physical strength to prevent the school violence and group isolation which were the persistent issues at schools in 2012. However, the qualification standard for the sports instructor, the teaching process and environment of the sports club in school, and the budget utilization has become an object of concern. Contract for a short term, fluctuations in salary, teaching the simultaneous classes up to 4 classes have caused enormous trouble to physical education teachers as well as to sports instructors. Therefore, the secured budget shall be expanded with the tightened qualification standard for the sports instructors and the performance test shall be included in the interview to continue a sustained and effective management of sports clubs and sports instructor system in school. In addition, the systematic timetable shall be prepared to offer the sports club class in school and class shall be maximized utilizing the sports facilities in school and the facilities related to sports in the region. However, as the tightened qualification standard for the sports instructors may set a limit on the utilization of budget and facilities, the qualification standard for the sports instructors shall be granted on the self-regulating base as it is now but their salary shall be included in the salary step system and classes shall be prepared to use the facilities out of the school.. Therefore, the improved labor conditions and rights of sports instructors shall be provided in order to continue an effective management of sports clubs in school.


 I. 서론
 II. 중등학교 스포츠강사제의 도입배경 및 의의
  1. 스포츠강사제의 도입배경
  2. 스포츠강사제의 의의
 III. 중등학교 스포츠강사제의 운영실태
  1. 강사의 자격 기준
  2. 수업방법 및 평가
  3. 시설 및 환경
  4. 예산 활용
 IV. 중등학교 스포츠강사제의 발전 과제
  1. 강사 자격의 기준
  2. 수업방법 및 평가
  3. 시설 및 환경
  4. 예산 활용
 V. 결론


  • 노혜진 Rho, Hye-Jin. 영남대학교
  • 김동규 Kim, Dong-Kyu. 영남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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