

「と思う」の用法に関する記述的研究 -形容詞述語文を中心に-


Study of the Japanese predicate thinking verb“to-omou” used in the adjective sentences

「と사う」の용법に관する기술적연구 -형용사술어문を중심に-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims at considerring the usage of “to-omou” with adjective predicate sentences, which have the inferred usage and the non-inferred usage. The inferred usage has the typical inferred usage which is possible to replace with the modality “darou” and to cooperate with the adverb “tabun”, and the euphemism usage which “to-omou” is grammatically not necessary. In non-inferring usage, replacement with “darou” or co-occurrence with “tabun” is impossible at all , so you can say that “omou” is working as actual verb. Finally, we saw the relationship between the basis of inference and the certainty. If the basis of inference is certain, the sentence with “to-omou” is close to the assertive sentence, and in the case where the basis of inference is uncertain, it expresses an uncertain and unconfident inference, or it becomes a euphemism expression simply to avoid affirmation. “to-omou” occurred with the adjective predicate sentence has a wide range of meanings and functions, such as judgement of inference , communication and an actual verb.


1. はじめに
 2. 先行研究と本稿の立場
 3. 「と思う」の意味と機能
  3.1 推量用法
  3.2 非推量用法
 4. 推量用法と確かさ
 5. おわりに


  • 高橋美保 Takahashi, Miho. 長安大学校 観光ビジネス日本語科 外国人専任教授, 現代日本語文法


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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