

Therapeutic Functor that calls semantic Argument - Focusing on the compound nouns in Sijo


Park In-Kwa

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The human body is structured as sentence of healing. This study examines how the mechanism of healing works in the human body by the narrative relation of functor and argument. So, we predict the way of extreme healing by literary or human narrative. For this purpose, we analyze the principle that the emotional and semantic arguments are called by the functor set by the sentences containing the fingerprints of mind in Gosijo and the mechanism of healing works extensively. We analyze the process of the transition from the narrative of the literary to the narrative of the human body. Thus, the barcode of the healing, which is made up of the relationship between the functor of the literature and the argument, is transferred to the human body and it is judged that the fingerprint of the human mind is operated through the stage of encoding and re-encoding due to the action potential. In addition, it was predicted that the neurotransmitters such as dopamine and the secretion of hormones would be promoted and the healing level would be increased. In results, we conclude that the function of argument and functor which contains the fingerprint of the mind in the third sound step on the last sentence of Gosijo is transferred to the human body and is especially heavily focused and operate with healing.


 1. Introduction
 2. Therapeutic Functor
  2.1. The space of the Functor and Argument
  2.2. The Functor of Love changed for the therapeutic codes
 3. Function of the Functor and Argument on the Gosijo
  3.1. Encoding
  3.2. Transference
  3.3. Activity of Emotion-Codon
 4. Conclusion


  • Park In-Kwa Department of Korean Language and Literature, Korea University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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