

Analysis of influential factors on respiratory symptoms of nail shop workers




Nail art is a kind of nail painting or decoration that adds to the beauty. Throughout making nail art, the worker was on a dusty operation with the smoothing of chemicals and nails. People working at nail shops not only use a variety of chemicals, but also experience a lot of fine powder during the process of nail trimmings. While drying the chemical adhesive, the workers often complain of eye, nose and throat discomfort. In addition, the acrylic brush is characterized by a lot of smell when washed with washing solution. Also nail art workers directly influence the worker's breathing through the work done by placing the guest's hands in a work space called a nail table. Chemical ingredients used in nail art procedures include acetone, ethyl acetic acid, toluene, butyl acetic acid, glue, and top coating of nail varnishes. Prolonged inhalation of these substances may cause dizziness, vomiting, as well as impaired respiratory system. The purpose of this study is to investigate the respiratory symptoms of nail shop workers who are likely to be affected by work in nail shop and to find out which factors have the greatest influence if they have respiratory symptoms. Therefore this study is to provide basic data on the health management system of people engaged in nail shop and to develop health education program. For this study, the data collection was collected on July 7, 2017 for the nail shop workers attending the nail art trend seminar held in Gwangju, in Korea. The data were all 236. However, except for the poor data, 208 data were used for the final analysis. The questionnaire consisted of 30 in general questions, questions about self-efficacy in 24 questions. elf-efficacy measuring tool developed by A.Y, Kim, I. Y, Park(2001). The self-efficacy questionnaire consists of 24 items and is self-reported 7-point Likert scale. The reliability of this tool was cronbach alpha = .934.The collected data were analyzed using spss 18.0. Information of Research participant performed frequency analysis. To examine the effects of personal characteristics on self-efficacy, X2 analysis was conducted. And also X2 analysis was conducted to analyze the coughing symptom appearance according to individual and environmental factors. A hierarchical regression analysis was used to determine which of the personal and environmental factors influenced cough symptoms.


 1. Introduction
 2. Research Method
  2.1 Research design
  2.2 Data collection
  2.3 Research tool – Self efficacy
  2.4 Data analysis
 3. Result
  3.1 Information of research participants
  3.2 Self-efficacy according to individual characteristics
  3.3 Coughing symptom appearance according to individual and environmental factors
  3.4 Hierarchical regression analysis having an effect on a cough symptom
 4. Conclusion


  • Jung-ae Kim Chodang University, Nursing Department
  • Su-min Kim Chodang University, Beauty design Department


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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