

An Empirical Study on the Sustainability for the Technology Management : Focused on the Korea Electronics Manufacturing Industry


Heon Kim, Hyung-Kun Joo, Tae-Ho Park

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Interest in corporate sustainability continues to rise in a response to the increasing demands from firm’s stakeholders for environmental, social, and economic responsibilities. Although many researchers have attempted to identify factors affecting corporate sustainability and investigate how to improve it, few research has been done to study on the implementation of sustainability in the technology management (TM) and its impact on TM performance. Thus, this research has explored the sustainability issues associated with the processes of technology management, and examined the impacts of sustainability considerations in the corporate and TM strategies on the TM performance through an empirical study using data collected from Korean electronics manufacturing firms. From a path analysis, it is found that a corporate sustainability management strategy influences the TM strategy, and in turn the TM strategy with sustainability perspectives requires TM activities to comply with sustainability requirements. Consequently, the performance of TM is positively affected by implementing sustainability management at the TM level.




  • Heon Kim Professor, Department of Business & Commerce, Baekseok University
  • Hyung-Kun Joo Professor, Graduate School of Department of Knowledge Service & Consulting, Hansung University
  • Tae-Ho Park Professor, Department of College of Business, San Jose State University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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