

Comparison of Fine-Tuned Convolutional Neural Networks for Clipart Style Classification



Clipart is artificial visual contents that are created using various tools such as Illustrator to highlight some information. Here, the style of the clipart plays a critical role in determining how it looks. However, previous studies on clipart are focused only on the object recognition [16], segmentation, and retrieval of clipart images using hand-craft image features. Recently, some clipart classification researches based on the style similarity using CNN have been proposed, however, they have used different CNN-models and experimented with different benchmark dataset so that it is very hard to compare their performances. This paper presents an experimental analysis of the clipart classification based on the style similarity with two well-known CNN-models (Inception Resnet V2 [13] and VGG-16 [14] and transfers learning with the same benchmark dataset (Microsoft Style Dataset 3.6K). From this experiment, we find out that the accuracy of Inception Resnet V2 is better than VGG for clipart style classification because of its deep nature and convolution map with various sizes in parallel. We also find out that the end-to-end training can improve the accuracy more than 20% in both CNN models.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related works
  2.1 Similarity research using hand-craft visual features
  2.2 Similarity research using convolutional neural network
 3. Clipart style classification
  3.1 Benchmark Dataset
  3.2 CNN for illustration style classification
 4. Experiments
 5. Conclusions


  • Seungbin Lee Department of Computer Science and Engineering Sogang University, Seoul, Korea
  • Hyungon Kim Department of Computer Science and Engineering Sogang University, Seoul, Korea
  • Hyekyoung Seok Department of Computer Science and Engineering Sogang University, Seoul, Korea
  • Jongho Nang Department of Computer Science and Engineering Sogang University, Seoul, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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