Effects of Loneliness, Aggression, Self-Control and Morality on Game Over-Indulgence Among Adolescents
This study examined how adolescents’ loneliness, aggression, self-control, and morality affect game over-indulgence. In this paper, morality can be understood as combination of altruism and social responsibility, in terms of prosocial perspective. A survey was conducted and total 1,781 responses were selected for analysis. Results showed that loneliness, aggression, self-control, and morality were significantly correlated with game over-indulgence. More specifically, high level of loneliness and aggression increased game over-indulgence. However, high level of self-control and morality diminished game over-indulgence. High level of morality enables students to cultivate interpersonal skills and facilitate positive social relations, which as a result, prevent problematic game use.
1. 서론
2. 선행 연구
2.1 고독감, 공격성 및 자기통제와 게임과몰입에 관한 선행 연구
2.2 친사회적 관점으로서의 도덕성
2.3 청소년의 도덕성과 게임이용에 관한 선행연구
3. 연구 방법
3.1 연구방법
3.2 척도
4. 연구 결과
4.1 기술통계 및 상관관계 분석 결과
4.2 다중회귀 분석 결과
5. 결론 및 논의