Safety and Effectiveness of Water through Far Infrared Filter.
To confirm the safety and effectiveness of water through far infrared filter, the participants were divided into two groups, general purified water (PW; precarbon filter, hollow fiber membrane filter, and postcarbon filter) drinking group (n=10) and far infrared filter water (FIW; precarbon filter, far infrared filter, and postcarbon filter) drinking group (n=10). All filters made by Dajin filter (Daejin Filter Co., Ltd., Chilgok, Gyeongbuk). All of participants were more than 200 mg/dL in total cholesterol levels and more than 23% in BMI (kg/m2). Drinking amount was 15mL/kg a day for three months. Blood glucose level, blood pressure, blood (CBC, HbA1C, GOT, GPT, T-cho, TG, K, P, Ca), and body fat tests were examined before drinking water, in one month, two months, and three months. In blood glucose test result, glucose level changed to 77.7±7.6 mg/dL in three months from 91.3 ±6.3 mg/dL before drinking in FIW group (p<0.001). However, there were no significant differences in blood pressure, blood test (CBC, HbA1C, GOT, GPT, T-cho, TG, K, P, Ca), and body fat test results. These results considered water through far infrared filter have blood sugar depressing effect, and safe because the water do not have a some impact on human body.
재료 및 방법
1. 실험재료
2. 임상시험참가자 모집
3. 실험방법
결과 및 고찰
1. 혈당검사
2. 체지방
3. 혈압
4. 혈액검사