


농촌개발 이론 : 국제농촌지도에서 지역과 지역사회 주도개발까지


The Development of Rural Development Theory : From International Rural Extension to Local and Community-driven Development


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to review rural development theories in chronological order. After the second World War, there have been much development in theory of economicdevelopment. Rural development theory was influenced by theory of economic development. Theoryof rural development is not entirely separable from the theory of economic development. Agricultural modernisation(AM) and community development(CD) were developed during the 1950s. Green revolution(GR) and animation rurale(AR) were developed during the 1960s. Integrated ruraldevelopment(IRD), basic needs approach(BNA) and women in development(WID) were developedduring the 1970s. Sector-specific project(SSP), community-based development(CBD), local economicdevelopment(LED) and gender and development(GAD) were developed during the 1980s. Sustainablelivelihoods(SL), gender mainstreaming(GM) and agricultural sector investment program(ASIP) weredeveloped during the 1990s. Community-driven development(CDD), rural economic and enterprisedevelopment(REED), rural territorial development(TRD), promoting gender equality and empowerwomen(PGEAEW) and local and community driven development(LCDD) were developed during the2000s. Goals of rural development have changed over the past years. Goals of rural developmenthave changed from increasing income to sustainable development. Theories to achieve specific goalsuch as women in development, gender and development and gender mainstreaming havedeveloped. Rural development theory is often misinterpreted as a one-size-fits-all theory for allcountry, this is a serious problem.


1847년 아일랜드에서 시작되어 전세계로 전파되고, 현재 한국에서도 지속되고 있는 농촌개발을 고찰한다. 제2차 세계대전 이후부터 현재까지 농촌을 대상으로 한 개발이론을 고찰한다. 경제성장이론의 선형성장이론, 구조변화론, 종속이론, 신고전파이론, 내생적 성장이론, 구조조정 프로그램, 종합개발, 새천년개발목표와, 경제사조 및 시대상을 시대순으로 고찰한다. 제2차 세계대전 이후를 10년 단위로 나누고, 각 시대별 경제성장이론 및 대표적인 개발사상을 고찰하고, 이에 대비하여 각 시대별 농촌개발이론을 모두 고찰한다.


 1. 서론
 2. 농촌개발 이론
 3. 1950년대 이전의 농촌개발 이론
  3.1. 국제 농촌지도
  3.2. 한국 농촌지도
 4. 1950년대의 농촌개발 이론
  4.1. 농업근대화
  4.2. 지역사회개발
 5. 1960년대의 농촌개발 이론
  5.1. 녹색혁명
  5.2. 농촌활성화
 6. 1970년대의 농촌개발 이론
  6.1. 농촌종합개발
  6.2. 기초수요접근
  6.3. 개발에서의 여성
 7. 1980년대의 농촌개발 이론
  7.1. 특정 섹터 프로젝트
  7.2. 지역사회 기반개발
  7.3. 지역경제개발
  7.4. 성과 개발
 8. 1990년대의 농촌개발 이론
  8.1. 지속가능한 생계
  8.2. 성 주류화
  8.3. 농업분야 투자 프로그램
 9. 2000년대의 농촌개발 이론
  9.1. 지역사회 주도개발
  9.2. 농촌경제 및 농기업 개발
  9.3. 농촌권 개발
  9.4. 성평등과 여성역량
  9.5. 지역과 지역사회 주도개발
 10. 결론


  • 임형백 Lim, Hyung Baek. 성결대학교 국제개발협력학부 교수


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