Development of smoking prevention empowerment scale for adolescents (SPES-A)
The purpose of this study was to develop Smoking Prevention Empowerment Scale for Adolescents (SPES-A) based on a conceptual framework of psychological empowerment theory and evaluate its validity and reliability. The development process of initial items involved literature review, interviewing adolescents, and expert survey. Subsequently, a content validity evaluation and pilot survey were conducted. Participants were 594 adolescents (17 excluded) aged 10-18 years recruited to test reliability and validity of the preliminary scale. The final version of the SPES-A was a 4-point Likert type scale, consisting of 15 items in 4 categorized factors, including: “competence” (3 items), “meaningfulness” (4 items), “self-determination” (4 items), and “impact” (4 items). The Cronbach’s α coefficient was .89. Construct validity of SPES-A was verified using a confirmatory factor analysis. Factor loadings of the 15 questions ranged from .51 to .83. Criterion validity showed significant correlations (r=-.54, .54, p<.001). The psychometric evaluation of the SPES-A demonstrated an acceptable validity and reliability. However, further study is needed to retest the verification of the factor analysis related to factor 2 (meaningfulness) and factor 3 (self-determination). The SPES-A can be used as a tool to test the effect of smoking prevention programs for adolescents.
Ⅰ. 서론
1. 연구의 필요성
2. 연구 목적
Ⅱ. 연구방법
1. 연구 설계
2. 연구 대상
3. 연구 절차
4. 윤리적 고려
5. 자료 분석
Ⅲ. 연구 결과
1. 대상자의 일반적 특성
2. 문항분석
3. 타당도 평가
4. 최종 측정 도구 선정
5. 청소년 흡연예방 임파워먼트의 측정결과
Ⅳ. 논의 및 결론
- 1교육부, 보건복지부, 질병관리본부 (2015). 제11차 청소년건강행태온라인조사. 청주: 질병관리본부 질병예방센터 건강영양조사과.
- 2An Analysis of the Concept mEmpowermentm네이버 원문 이동
- 3The Effects of Group Smoking Cessation Program on the Smoking Cessation Behavior, Stress, Depression, Self-esteem, and Assertive Behavior네이버 원문 이동
- 4Meta-Analysis of Effects on Adolescent Smoking Cessation Programs in Korea네이버 원문 이동
- 5김지은 (2005). 한국형 청소년 흡연의 의사결정균형 측정도구 개발에 관한 연구. 고려대학교 교육대학원석사학위논문.
- 6청소년의 임파워먼트 측정에 관한 연구네이버 원문 이동
- 7노정리 (1996). 남자 고등학생의 ‘사회적 영향을 강조한흡연 예방 프로그램’의 효과. 연세대학교 교육대학원 석사학위논문.
- 8Meta-Analysis of Effects on Smoking Prevention Programs for the Adolescent in Korea네이버 원문 이동
- 9고등학생의 흡연유혹에 영향을 미치는 요인네이버 원문 이동
- 10보건복지부, 한국건강증진개발원 국가금연지원센터 (2015). 학교 흡연예방 교육사업 안내. 서울: 한국건강증진개발원 국가금연지원센터.