

How nominal definiteness is interpreted from Korean to English


Lee Ju-Yeon

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the process of interpreting from Korean, an article-less language, to languages with articles such as English, the interpreter needs to determine the definiteness of noun phrases in the source text and employ appropriate articles in the target text, which poses additional linguistic and cognitive challenges to the interpreter. In this study, student interpreters performed consecutive interpreting, and their transcripts were analyzed to examine how they rendered nominal referents from Korean to English in terms of definiteness. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of data show that the participants tended to avoid using articles, whenever possible, in the required contexts and employed other determiners such as possessives and demonstratives. Most of the uses of such determiners were judged either unacceptable or replaceable with articles. Detailed patterns in the interpretation of definiteness from Korean to English and their pedagogical implications are discussed.


 1. Introduction
 2. Review of the literature
  2.1. Expressions of definiteness in English and Korean
  2.2. Cognitive mechanism of consecutive interpreting
 3. Method
  3.1. The design of the study
  3.2. The analysis
 4. Results
  4.1. Interpreting definiteness from Korean to English
  4.2. Discussion
 5. Conclusion


  • Lee Ju-Yeon 이주연. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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