A Study on Global Trends on FinTech(financial technology) : focusing on Mobile Money(mobile payment) Usage and Adoption
In general, mobile money(mobile payment) is a term describing the services that allow electronic money transactions over a mobile phone or smart device. It is also referred to as mobile financial services, mobile wallet, and mobile payment or mobile commerce, P2P money transfer, and mobile banking. Mobile money services are enabled by an ecosystem that includes mobile operators, technology providers(apps), mobile handset / chip manufacturers, and financial institutions including banks, merchant service providers, and card associations such as Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. This study focused primarily on mobile payment and mobile wallets in developed countries and identified the obstacles that are creating the trailing adoption of available mobile money services. Challenges(obstacles) related to mobile money adoption include security, business model issues, and regulation. The perception of insecurity, including fraud, malware and theft are key concerns of consumers and financial institutions. Consumers are concerned about their privacy as well. Mobile networks encrypt messages transmitted across their networks. However, financial transactions demand additional tracking and logging to address regulatory requirements. In the US as elsewhere, there is no common standard and traditional types of security controls against malware that are common in the PC world have not reached maturity in the mobile space. A viable business model for banks and mobile operators along with standardization need to occur before mass market launches of mobile payment options can take place. Currently there is lack of standards and interoperability so that payments can move freely between operators and across borders There are restrictions in some regions the prevent telecom operators to adopt the role of a financial institution. Banks are concerned about lack of regulatory compliance around this new model. However, a whole, banks and mobile operators are competing for control of the market. This will drive converged regulation.
Ⅱ. 모바일 머니 사용의 글로벌 동향
Ⅲ. 모바일 머니의 채택에 관한 문제점
Ⅳ. 시사점 및 제언