

대기업과 중소기업의 협력방안 - 공유가치창출(CSV) 관점을 중심으로 -


Cooperation between large and small companies - focused on Creating Shared Value(CSV) perspectives -

박진수, 박광태

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



CSV(Creating Shared Value) introduced by Porter and Kramer in Harvard Business Review in 2011 has now been emphasized in the academic and business communities as the way to promote creative economy and mutual growth among stakeholders. Some may understand that CSV has more advanced concept than CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility), but they have different roles and areas. The main difference of CSR and CSV is in the harmony of economic and social value. This means that the economic value through the main operating activity of company in CSV should contribute to the community through the harmony with social value. The good example is ‘Bridge of the Life’ in Mapo bridge which Samsung Life Insurance and Seoul City built together for the sake of protecting people’s life and having responsibility for people’s risk. Mapo bridge had been known for the high frequencies of suicides before Bridge of the Life was built. This example shows CSV which connects the main operating activity of Samsung Life Insurance to the social responsibility activities. Every company does not have to implement CSV in a strategic manner. This is because some company can sufficiently contribute to the community only through social responsibility activities. Company should first recognize a social problem as companywide issue and then need to connect this social problem to the core business activity of the company in order to implement CSV. If this connection is possible, we implement CSV. Otherwise, we just contribute to the community through social responsibility activities. In this study, we introduce some domestic and international cases of CSR. We investigate issues implemented in the CSV perspectives based on cases we introduced. We organize the study as follows. We have introduction in section 1 and literature review of CSR and CSV in section 2. We review domestic and international cases for CSV in section 3 and discuss the ways for cooperation between large and small companies in terms of personal, technological, financial and distributional aspects. We finally discuss implications and limitations and suggest the direction of future research in section 5.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 문헌검토
 Ⅲ. 공유가치창출의 사례
 Ⅳ. 대기업과 중소기업의 협력방안
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 박진수 Jinsoo Park. 고려대학교 경영대학 박사과정
  • 박광태 Kwangtae Park. 고려대학교 경영대학 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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