

Clinical information

대표적인 국제 소아 천식 약물요법 가이드라인에 대한 비교 연구


A Comparison of International Guidelines for Pediatric Asthma Pharmacotherapy

권태현, 손기호, 백인환

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Objective: International institutes such as Global institute for Asthma(GINA), KAAACI(Republic of Korea), NHLBI(USA), BTS(UK) and JSA(Japan) have published guidelines for asthma treatment. The aim of this study was to compare the representatives’ international guidelines of pharmacotherapy for pediatric asthma. Methods: The recommendations related to pharmacotherapy for pediatric asthma were extracted from the latest representatives’ international guidelines, and comprehensive comparisons were conducted. Results: Major comparison outcomes between international guidelines were evaluated as follows: classification system on severity and pediatric age group, recommendation for inhaled corticosteroid dose, recommendation for pediatric age group of theophylline in mild asthma, and recommendation for pediatric age group of tiotropium in severe asthma. Clinical trials emphasized the adverse effects of theophylline, whereas tiotropium demonstrated beneficial actions for pediatric asthma. Therefore, theophylline was recommended for older patients with persistent asthma, and tiotropium was considered to be suitable for younger patients with severe asthma according to GINA guidelines. Conclusion: These findings address the requirement to harmonize international guidelines of pharmacotherapy in pediatric asthma. In addition, the findings suggest that KAAACI needs to update its pharmacotherapy guidelines of theophylline, tiotropium and other medicines recently approved.


 연구 방법
 연구 결과
  국내·외 주요 가이드라인의 개정 현황
  국내 KAAACI와 GINA 가이드라인의 비교
  국내 KAAACI와 미국 NHLBI 가이드라인의 비교
  국내 KAAACI 가이드라인과 영국 BTS 가이드라인의 비교
  국내 KAAACI 가이드라인과 일본 JSA 가이드라인의 비교


  • 권태현 Tae-hyeon Kwon. 경성대학교 약학대학
  • 손기호 KieHo Sohn. 경성대학교 약학대학
  • 백인환 In-hwan Baek. 경성대학교 약학대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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