A Study on the Delivery Process of King’s Words in Late joseon Dynasty Shin, Myung-Ho in late joseon dynasty, king’s words were made in order to persuade general people. when king’s words were made, king used to order how to proclaim his words. and king’s order used to be given to king’s secretary. because king’s secretary was in charge in king’s order. usually, king’s secretary accepted a king’s direct order or a king’s indirect order. a king’s direct order was called ha-gyo(下敎). the other hand a king’s indirect order was called jeon-gyo(傳敎), usually, jeon-gyo(傳敎) was delivered by eunuch to a king’s secretary. when king’s secretary accept, wether king’s direct order or a king’s indirect order, a responsible secretary wrote a king’s words by secretary (有旨). and the responsible secretary delivered a king’s words by secretary(有旨) together with king’s words to a province governor. but sometimes king’s order was delivered to cabinet through seong-gyo(承傳) from king’s secretary. when cabinet accept seong-gyo(承傳), cabinet wrote a order by superior boss. the responsible cabinet menber delivered a order by superior boss to a province governor. when a province governor accepted a king’s words by secretary(有旨) together with king’s words, he wrote a order by superior boss to his county governor. and when a county governor accepted a order by superior boss, he wrote a direction by superior boss to his village foremen. when a village foremen accepted a direction by superior boss, finally he proclaimed king’s words to village people.
Ⅱ. 왕의 命令과 승지의 有旨
Ⅲ. 관찰사의 關文과 지방관의 傳令
Ⅳ. 村里에서의 綸音 선포
Ⅴ. 맺음말