

노(能), 兩性具有의 世界-그 樣相과 主題-


Noh, The World of Androgyny - Its Aspect and Theme -

노(능), 양성구유의 세계-그 양상과 주제-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In and of Noh that is middle ages drama of Japan, a lady wandering heavens in a dress of her lover during her lifetime appears. In addition, in and , two gods as a god in traditional epic appear as goddess. In this study, androgyny motif being unfolded in these works and the topic of the works being exposed through such motif were analyzed as follows. First, Cross-dress motif being shown in and was interpreted as metaphorical tool representing desire of unity with beloved one. In addition, as if shaman wears dress of opposite sex in order to greet god, male attire of this two heroines was interpreted as formal dress in order to marry Narihira that is god of erotism. Meanwhile, it was noted that appearance of god as goddess in and is an incident of rising a revolt against traditional sex transformation theory. As its result, Katsuraki god was destined to suffer endless agony with sattva as a female. On the other hand, unfolded light of sattva salvation by being one in body and spirit with Amatera that was the strongest goddess in the middle ages.


能 <井筒>と<松風>には、男の形見を掛けてさまよう女たちが登場する。なお、<三輪>と<葛城>ではかつて男神であったものが女神になって登場する。本稿ではこれらの曲で広げられる両性具有的モチーフの様相を考察し、なおかつその作品のテーマを探ろうと試みた。 まず、<井筒>と<松風>における異性装のモチーフには愛する人との合一への欲望が内在していると言えよう。なお、シャーマンが神を迎え入れる際、異性装という礼服をかけるように、<井筒>と<松風>のシテたちは男装をして神を迎え入れる神妻として現れたことを指摘した。 一方、<三輪>と<葛城>において男神が女神になって登場することは、伝統の變成男子說を拒否し、衆生救済の新しいパラダイムを提示したこととして受け入れられよう。ところが、その結果は二人の女神に異なる運命の道を歩ませることになった。すなわち、葛城の神が仏法の呪縛から離れられず、天の岩戸の闇のなかへみずからを幽閉したのに対して、素盞鳴尊の子孫である大物主尊が伊勢の天照大神と同体になる両性具有のファンタジーを具現した三輪大明神は、天岩戸の扉を開き衆生救済の光明を与えたのである。


1. 들어가며
 2. 남장 여인 - 빙의된 영혼, 합일에의 욕망
 3. 신처(神妻)의 복장
 4. 양성구유의 여신과 중세적 구원
 5. 나가며


  • 金蘭珠 김난주. 단국대학교 교양교육대학 교양학부 연구전담 조교수, 일본문화


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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