

한일 이성간 모어화자끼리의 첫 대면 대화 연구-화제 내용을 중심으로-


A Study on the Dialogue at First Encounter Between a Man and a Woman of Native Korean Speakers and a Man and a Woman of Native Japanese Speakers - Focusing on the Contents of Topic -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As a result of analyzing the dialogue at the first encounter (10 minutes) between opposite gender native speakers from Korea and Japan, the characteristics owing to the cultural differences between the two countries and the gender differences have been found. In the case of the contents of topic, the Koreans recorded higher levels of conversation time and number of topic suggestions with regard to ‘university, personal details, work, participation in studies, and career’ whereas the Japanese recorded higher levels of conversation time and number of topic suggestions with regard to ‘work, residence, personal details, overseas travel, and university’. When it comes to the suggestion of dialogue topics, Korean men suggested twice more number of topics compared to Korean women whereas Japanese women suggested more topics than Japanese men. As a result of analyzing the method of suggesting topics into ‘the question’ asking the opponent about his or her opinion and ‘self-presentation(self-disclosure)’ which suggests the information about oneself, Koreans and Japanese shared the common point of suggesting topics by asking questions. When it comes to the gender differences, the way of suggesting conversation topics differed in terms of gender in Korea and Japan in the sense that Korean men suggested topics by ‘questions’ whereas Japanese women suggested topics by ‘questions’. When it comes to the specific items of ‘question’, Koreans and Japanese differed since Koreans asked more ‘direct questions’ whereas Japanese asked ‘questions of terminal blur(mid-end type)’ and ‘asking for agreement questions’. There were also the differences between Korea and Japan in terms of the specific items of ‘self-presentation’. Koreans suggested topics by ‘opinions and explaining situations’ whereas Japanese suggested topics by ‘personal details, feelings, and memories’. When the examination was conducted based on gender differences, Korean men had more than twice number of topic suggestions by ‘questions’ and ‘self-presentation’ than Korean women. Onthe contrary, Japanese differed in the sense that Japanese women suggested topics by ‘questions’ and Japanese men suggested topics by ‘self-presentation’.


本研究では、初対面会話(会話開始後10分間)における韓日異性間の母語話者同士の話題内容に関する分析を行った。その結果、文化差や性別による次のような特徴が確認できた。 話題の内容において、韓国人の場合「大学、身の上、仕事、研究参加、進路」の順に、日本人は「仕事、居住地、身の上、海外旅行、大学」の順に話題の発話量(会話時間)と話題を提示する回数が多かった。話題を提示する主体を男女に分け調査した結果、韓国人の場合、男性が女性に比べ話題を提示する割合が二倍以上高く、日本人の場合、男性より女性が話題を提示する割合が高いことが示された。 さらに、話題提示方法を、相手に意見を尋ねる「質問」と、研究対象者本人に関する情報を示す「自己開示」に二分し分析を行った結果、韓国人と日本人共に「質問」によって頻繁に話題を提示するという共通点がみられた。これを性差でみると、韓国人は男性が、日本人は女性が「質問」によって話題を提示する傾向にあることがわかった。 「質問」を細分類した各項目においては、韓国人は日本人に比べ「直接型」質問が多く表出され、日本人は韓国人に比べ「中途終了型」、「同意要求型」の質問が多く表出された。「自己開示」の詳細項目では、韓国人は「意見」、「状況説明」を、日本人は「個人情報」、「感じ(感情)」、「記憶」の話題を多く提示していた。また、性差に着目して調査した結果、韓国人男性は「質問」型と「自己開示」型による話題提示を女性に比べ二倍以上多く行うことが確認された。一方、日本人は女性が「質問」型の話題を多く提示し、男性は「自己開示」型の話題を提示する割合が高いことから、韓国人とは異なる話題提示を行う傾向が見受けられた。


1. 들어가며
 2. 선행연구
 3. 연구 방법
  3.1 분석 자료
  3.2 분석 방법
 4. 결과 및 고찰
  4.1 화제내용
  4.2 화제 제시 주체
  4.3 화제 제시 방법
 5. 마무리


  • 李善玉 이선옥. 고려대학교 대학원 중일어문학과 박사과정, 일본어학·교육 전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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