

日本語の漢語動詞と中国語動詞の 対応関係について - 動詞+動詞タイプを中心に-


On the relation of confrontation of Sino-Japanese and Chinese verbs of Japanese - Focusing on 「verb+verb」 type-

일본어の한어동사と중국어동사の 대응관계について - 동사+동사タイプを중심に-

牟世鍾, 鄭春実

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Japanese and Chinese are completely different languages with different grammar. There are words that was borrowed from China to Japan or borrowed from Japan to China. They was seem that their meaning expands, narrows, changes such as meaning shifts as time goes on. So Just writing as same words can not be said to be the same. The Chinese corresponding to the Sino-Japanese is quite the cases that were not change homotype, but were change heteromorphy. Therefore, the correspondence between the two languages needs to be clarified. Especially, on the relation of confrontation of Sino-Japanese and chinese, the case of verb that is 「verb+verb」 type has the preceding and following verb is used in the same sense such as 「gakusyu-suru」and the two verbs: a preceding and following verbs are used in the other sense such as 「syoutai-suru」. So the semantic and grammatical relationship of the components makes the two languages correspond differently. The former corresponds to Chinese of the homotype generally. However, the meaning of a verb is expanded or reduced. It shows the difference between verbs and predicates, and it may also correspond to heterosexual verbs. The latter corresponds to Chinese of the heteromorphy. It is seem the context and the causal relationship generally. If there is no semantic difference between the two verbs, the same type of Chinese correspond to the Sino-Japanese verb in the context. But, if there is semantic difference between the two verbs, the semantic and grammatical role of components is different. So, because the location of each component and the main role of the verb will be different, it gets the heteromorphy.


1. はじめに
 2. 先行研究の検討
 3. 両側主要部の単語
  3.1 漢語動詞に同形の中国語動詞が対応する場合
  3.2 漢語動詞に同形・異形の中国語が対応する場合
 4. 左側あるいは右側主要部の単語
  4.1 漢語動詞に同形の中国語動詞が対応する場合
  4.2 漢語動詞に同形·異形中国語動詞が対応する場合
 5. おわりに


  • 牟世鍾 모세종. 仁荷大学校 日本言語文化学科 教授, 日本語学
  • 鄭春実 정춘실. 仁荷大学校 日語日本学科 博士課程, 日本語学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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