

「羅生門」生成過程の考察 -冒頭部の推敲箇所について-


Rashōmon-An Examination of the Creative Process -Structural Analysis of the Opening Section Revisions-

「나생문」생성과정の고찰 -모두부の추고개소について-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



草稿資料(draft documentation)、ストーリー/プロット(story/plot)、構造分析(structural analysis)、叙法(mood)、This paper is a continuation of an examination of Akutagawa Ryūnosuke’s Rashōmon: Draft Notes (held at the Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Literature), focusing on the second half(pages 9-12) of the manuscript, which contains numerous revisions to the opening section of Rashōmon. Analysis of the structure of the remarks contained within it reveal that repeated improvements to the text had the narrator gradually bringing himself more conspicuously into the foreground of the story. The direction of the revisions is towards having the narrator speak as though concerned with his own interests. Furthermore, following from this, we find other developments such as: (1) the plot style(the narrator searches for reasons, asking “Why? Why?”); (2) expressions of conjecture(e.g., it seems(-rashii), as though (-yōda)); and (3) the dual structure of the story(segmentation of the world of the protagonist and the world of the narrator). This kind of creative process helps us to not only understand Rashōmon, but also offers us a window into the development of Akutagawa’s literary style. With this broader significance in mind, this paper continues on from an earlier discussion of the first half(pages 1-8) of the manuscript.(Note: As this paper uses the reprint of the Complete Works edition as the source, the page numbers used(1-12) are those found in this edition.)生成論(genesis)


1. はじめに
 2. ストーリー/プロット
 3. 「草稿ノート」読解(10~12)
  3.1 「草稿ノート10」
  3.2 「草稿ノート11」
  3.3 「草稿ノート12」
 4. むすびに


  • 早澤正人 Hayasawa Masato. 仁川大学校 日語教育科 助教授、日本近代文学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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