

近代主義と植民地朝鮮の怪談 - 在朝日本人怪談にみる実話強調と霊魂言説を中心として-


Modernism and Ghost stories over the Colonial Korea -Focusing on the real story emphasis and the spiritual discourse seen in the ghost stories of japanese living in the colonial korea-

근대주의と식민지조선の괴담 - 재조일본인괴담にみる실화강조と령혼언설を중심として-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Because of the modern rationalism introduced to Japan by the Meiji Restoration, ghost stories and strange stories transmitted from the Edo period were excluded as ‘superstition’. However, ghost stories appeared in popular media as a strange story of new era categorized as psychology, ethnography and psychiatry. And the expansion of territory by japan made these ghost stories cross the frontier to Korean colonies. Likewise, a new strange story by modern science, such as hysteria and telepathy can be seen in the ghost stories posted in the Japanese magazine which is published by Japanese living in the colonial korea. These ghost stories were emphasized on ‘real story’, and the frame was used for giving a reality of when, where, and to who experienced it. This real story emphasis was sort of modern literary techniques, and people enjoyed stimulation from the reality that the stories were real. In addition, the word ‘spirit’ that appears in ghost stories was used by psychologically meaning, and at the time was used by ‘Japan spirit’ repeatedly. The territory of using the word ‘spirit’ was spread out to the identity of Japanese nationals in the political space of colonies. The Japanese ghost stories in colonial Korea were a new thing following the Japanese traditional ghost stories, and, at the same time, were a political expression related in the colonial situation.


1. はじめに
 2. 心霊学と怪談
 3. 実話文学と怪談の枠組み
 4. 霊魂不滅と日本魂
 5. おわりに


  • 中村静代 Nakamura, Shizuyo. 弘益大学校 助教授、日本近代文学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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