The image of Korea in Japanese textbooks of Korea
This paper looks into the image of Korea in Japanese textbooks of Korea, based on the Korean, Korean culture, Korea, and Korean in described the textbooks, and study on the correlation of it with the image of Japan in the textbooks. First of all, Characteristics of the image of Korea mentioned in the textbook image is as follows.Concerning Korean language, the textbooks show a positive image with respect to the scientific and creative excellence of Korean language, having influenced Japanese. The positive image of Korean culture is shown as well. In particular, the superiority of Korean ancient culture is highlighted. Regarding Korea, both positive and negative images are presented in the textbooks. In positive images, ancient Korea is described as aculturally advanced country and the textbooks show Korea dedicated for the modernization of the country in moderntime. In negative images, the textbooks point out the empty for malities and vanity due to too much emphasis on form of courtesy. Also, the textbooks present positive images of Korean people, including the heroic admiral Yi Sun-sin and patriotic spirit of Koreans living in japan. The textbooks show Koreans as people who love peace and have sufficient bottom. Having considering the correlation of the image of Korea and the image of Japan, it is characteristic that the positive description of Korean language, Korean culture, Korea and Korean people is presented together with the negative image of Japanese language, Japanese culture, Japan, and Japanese people. That is, the positive image of Korea is stressed through comparison with the negative image of Japan.
2. 先行研究
3. 研究方法
4. 分析結果
5. おわりに