

三人称の指示表現の選択に関する一考察 - 三人称代名詞「彼」を中心に-


A Study on the selection of third person’s referring expression - Mainly on the third person pronoun ‘kare’ -

삼인칭の지시표현の선택に관する일고찰 - 삼인칭대명사「피」を중심に-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, conversations that use the third person pronoun ‘kare’ consecutively were analyzed to contemplate upon 4 principles regarding correspondence of pronouns (A.B.C) mentioned by Kanzaki Takaaki (1994) and changes in referral expression (D). - A. Pronoun can correspond to the Equi-NP in the phrase (passage) in question. B. Pronoun corresponds to the noun phrase in the phrase (passage) that people can infer it is related to rather than the sentence that includes it. C. Pronoun corresponds to the topic noun phrase of the preceding context. D. Referring expression is changed from pronoun to original noun·proper noun when the theme of the conversation changes. The result of contemplation is as follows. It was confirmed that the principles of A.B.C are formed when a person uses the third person pronoun ‘kare’. It was also confirmed that when multiple persons use the third person pronoun, ‘kare’ could be used regardless of the subject in question; subjects other than the one with the most focus are changed to nouns so that ‘kare’ is not used several times in one sentence; ‘kare’ can continuously be used despite the change of focus when ‘kare’ is not used for other persons or when the sentence structure is different. In addition, it was confirmed that for D, the transition of theme is one of the reasons of changing referring expression but is not an absolute principle as well as the causes of behind the succession of ‘jisin’, influence of other people in writing, and central location in quotation and conversation sentences, etc.


1. はじめに
 2. 先行研究と研究方法
 3. 考察
  3.1 三人称代名詞の照応
  3.2 指示表現の変更
 4. おわりに


  • 施山緑 Seyama, Midori. 水原大学 外国語学部 日語日文科 助教授, 日本語学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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