

사고와 담론

세기말에 여성은 왜 팜므 파탈이 되었는가?(II) - 팜므 파탈에서 탁선무녀로


Why femme fatale in the end of the 19th century Europe & America?(II) - From femme fatale to sibyl prophetess


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is a sequel to my previous arIticle, “Why femme fatale in the end of the 19th century Europe & America?” in which the reason for femme fatale’s preponderance in the fin-de-siècle Europe and America has been investigated. In this article, I argued that the rampant existence of prostituting femme fatales in the end of the 19th century left a very negative impact upon the image of women, while emphasizing that the namesake of femme fatale is sibyl prophetess or soothsayer (託宣女司祭, 託宣巫女), “a figure who transmits heaven’s will and order,” and even can be understood a manifestation of female subjectivity in modern sense. It is time now therefore to recover the initiatory meaning of femme fatale, “the one who gives life,” as evidenced by original femme fatale, Eve whose literal meaning, as contrary to popular belief, is life (Hawah), not death.


I. 서론
 II. 프랑스와 독일, 미국의 팜므 파탈과 창녀
  II-1. 프랑스의 세기말과 코르벵의 매춘 연구
  II-2. 독일의 세기말과 오토 딕스(Otto Dix)의 창녀 살인
  II-3. 미국의 세기말 문학에 나타난 신여성
 III. 탁선무녀와 새로운 팜므 파탈을 위하여
 IV. 새로운 팜므 파탈로서 탁선여사제의 가능성과 그 어원학적 함의
 V. 글을 나가며 - 세기말과 기존의 팜므 파탈에 대한 새로운 평가


  • 권석우 Seokwoo Kwon. 서울시립대학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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