



A Study on “Yoru (夜)” and “Bam (Night)”


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study investigates the similarities and differences between `yoru` and `bam` through two methods. One is to examine the temporal range of the use in the two languages by extracting the `yoru X o`clock` and the `bam X o`clock` used in the newspapers of the two countries, and the other conducts a questionnaire survey of 400 people to see if there is any difference in time perception between `yoru` and `bam`. As a result, the time range of `yoru X o`clock` and `bam X o`clock` used in the newspaper reveals that Japanese uses it as from `yoru 6 o`clock` to the range of `yoru 12 o`clock`, and that Korean uses it, although a few cases, as a very wide range of from 5:00 pm to 2:00 am. In the case of Korean newspapers, both `evening` and `night` are used for the range between 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm. With regards to the range of recognition time of `yoru` and `bam`, 99% of Japanese perceive it as between 6 and 9 o`clock, whereas 94% of Koreans perceive it as between 8 and 10 o`clock, and the most common time zone is 8 o`clock. In both countries, the number of perople who have answered the end time of `yoru` and `bam` as 12 o`clock is the most. Among 176 Japanese (44% of the total) and 152 Koreans (38% of the total) the number of people who perceive the end of night as after 4 o`clock is 38 Japanese (9.5% of the total) and 96 Koreans (24% of the total), which indicates that Koreans perceive the end of `bam` to be very late.




1. はじめに
 2. 調査方法と範圍
 3. 新閣における「夜X時」と「밤X시」 
  4.1 日か人の「夜」に對する時間認識
  4.2 韓國人の「밤」に對する時間認識
  4.3 「夜」と「밤」に對する對照考察
 5. おわに


  • 長原成功 Nagahara Narikatsu. 江原大學校 人文大學 日本學科 助敎授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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