A disaster investigation commission can be established in the phase of disaster recovery in order to identify causes and liabilities of human or physical damages. The result of the commission could influence on resilient capabilities to respond to similar disasters. This study aims to identify conditions in which a disaster investigation commission can operate efficiently by comparing the Sewol Ferry disaster in Korea with the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. The result is that the investigation commission in the Sewol Ferry disaster lacked independence(affiliated with the administration, appointing members of the executive branch, composition of public officers-oriented office) and expertise(focused on law professionals) more than the one in the Fukushima nuclear disaster. We suggest that an investigation commission should obtain more independence and expertise for its efficient operation.
I. 서론
II. 재난 복구와 재난사고 조사위원회
1. 재난복구
2. 재난사고 조사위원회
3. 본 연구의 분석틀
III. 한국 사례 분석
1. 조사위원회 성립배경
2. 세월호 특별법상 특별조사위원회 규정과 실제
3. 소결
IV. 일본 사례 분석
1. 조사위원회 성립배경
2. 조사위원회 규정과 실제
3. 소결
V. 비교분석
1. 독립성 차원
2. 전문성 차원
3. 공통점과 차이점의 원인
VI. 결론