

히토마로 「아스카 강」 노래와 古都奈良의 문화사적 의미 고찰


Cultural & historical consideration of ancient city Nara in light of the expression of Kakinomotono-Hitomaro “Asuka River Song”

히토마로 「아스카 강」 노래와 고도나량의 문화사적 의미 고찰


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



I focused on the notation of “Asuka River (飛鳥川)” of ancient capital Nara which is a major expression phrase of Hitomaro song, and tried to explore the cultural history meaning lurking in the notation of the river. Well, as a result of analyzing expression phrases of songs ascribed to “Asuka River ” by Hitomaro, it is known that it is depicted as a sacred spirit that the Emperor spirits are celebrating the Emperor, festivating the god. That is, along the “Asuka River ”, it is confirmed that this “Asuka river ” was depicted as a sacred place where the Taoist culture flowed in along with Baekje’s advanced Buddhism culture bloomed. Well, first attention was paid to the expression of Miyako which is qualified as “clean” in the song phrase surrounding the river. For example, in the Yoshino River song (36th) it is expressed as “Kiyoi Kawachi(Kawauchi)” (a clean river circles around) and therefore singing that it was a sacred place that Takimiya was suitable for building It is said that. Compared to the case where such a phenomenon is the palace of Zhou Mu King of “Liezi” as the city of the Emperor’s Palace, it is as if to say the idea to record the kingdom as a “clean city” It is thought that it is proved to be an idea. Next, there is a song (vol.2·224-5th) that pains himself at the time of his death in the expression of the river of Hitomaro. It is discovered that the song is singing something strange to the expression at the end of the term “lying down on a river with a stone as a pillow.” So, the author of the expression “lying down on a river with a stone pillow” is Cao’s Youxian poem(遊仙詩) “Qiū hú xíng” 「秋胡行」, “rinse with clean water, drink springs and thinking, I tried to rise to heavenly and And eventually it came from the idea that ascending into heaven and trying to become a god”. Especially in the Akahito song of a later era, in the evidence that the trace that imitated Hitomaro song’s phrase was proved clear, in the expression of his “Asuka river ” the notation “Frog(Toad)” Appear. So, paying attention to the Frog(Toad)& turtle living in the river expressed by this song, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that animals living in river side of the Xi Du Fu “Weishui River (渭水)” are drawn . In other words, it seems that it was a testimony of trying to express that the kingdom is a factional boundary, which caused the Frog(Toad) to appear in the river flowing in Wei. Likewise, the Asuka river’s “frog (Toad)” is also found to be an Anthem by the influence of the poetry with the intention of seeing the Kingdom as a godsend temple. Such an event is diverted from the Taoism thought that “Longevity frog (Toad) grows horn at head and that lifespan becomes 1,000 or 40,000 years if drinking it” in “Bào pǔ zi” ‘xiānyào piān’”. It can be inferred that the Asuka river of Hitomaro song was also a technique of poetic thought that was used in Taisho’s Shinsen thought. In conclusion, it is confirmed that Tanabata’s view of the universe of “Amanokawara(The Royal palace of the Milky Way river(Elegy of Prince Hinamishi(vol.2·167th & vol.10·1997, 2003th)” is drawn in the notation of the song “Asuka River ” by Hitomaro. This is exactly like the Royal Imperial Palace built in the river side of Weishui (渭水)flowing in Xī dū which Ran-chi Palace(蘭池宮) is built on the river that flows in a belt-like shape, the Kingdom flourishes like “Eternal longevity” and “The world of eternal ideals” It is inferred that the view of the sacred place of the temple, which he wished to pray for, was projected as the lyrics of this “Asuka River ” song.


히토마로의 노래 어귀에 古都奈良의 「아스카 강」이 표기되고 있다는 점에 착안하여. 강줄기를 따라 선진불교문화와 함께 유입된 도교문화가 아스카 강과 주변 산들을 천황의 도읍지로 형성된 과정과 천황영이 깃든 신을 제사지내는 성지로 그려지게 된 문화사의 원류를 밝히고 자 하였다. 먼저, 히토마로 노래에는 청정함으로 수식되는 표현구의 예를 들어보면, 요시노 강을 노래한 「카우치(河内)」(36번) 「강에 둘러싸여 있는, 강을 순회하는 곳」 이란 뜻으로 강의 청정함을 표현하고 있다. 이는 『열자』의 周穆王의 궁을 「천제의 궁전인 청도(淸都)」라고 한 것과, 왕도를 「청정한 도읍지」라 기록한 것과 같은 의미를 가진다고 하겠다. 다음으로 히토마로의 강 표현 중에 임종에 가까워스스로를 슬퍼하는 노래에 어찌하여 「바위를 베고 누워있다」(2·224-5)고 표현하게 된 것일까. 고 의문을 가지게 된다. 이는 「돌을 베개(枕石)로 하여 청정한물로 씻고, 샘물을 마시며 사색의 도를 터득하여, 이윽고는 천계에 올라가 신선이 되고 자」하였던 曹操의 遊仙詩 「秋胡行」에서와 같은 사고에서 발현된 것이라 생각된다. 특히, 히토마로의 강 표현구 중에서도 후대의 아카히토는 히토마로의 시귀를모방한 흔적이 뚜렷하다 하겠다. 그중에서도 강에 있는 동물 「두꺼비(개구리)」 와 「거북」 표현에 주목하여 보았다. 이는 「서도부」에서도 두꺼비와 거북(蟾蜍与 龟)이 표기되고 있듯이, 渭水의 선경적인 시구의 묘사와 일치하는 것으로 소위, 왕도를 선경시하고 자하는 취지에서 유래된 것이라 생각한다. 결론적으로 히토마로의 「아스카 강」 노래는, 마치 띠와 같이 흐르는 강줄기에 宮都가 지어진 西 都, 渭水의 蘭池宮처럼, 「불노장생」과 「영원한 이상세계」를 추구하려는 은하수강(天河原: 167, 1997, 2003번 노래)의 선경적인 궁도개념의 詩想化라 하겠다. 이는, 궁극적으로 지상의 궁전도 그러한 번영을 추구하고 자 한 신선적인 宮都 観에 의하여 지어진 「아스카 강」 노래의 서정성을 잘 나타내 보여주고 있다고 추론할 수 있을 것이다.


 I. 도부토리(飛鳥)와 아스카
 II. 칸나비(神名備)와 아스카 강
 III. 요시노강(吉野川)과 遊仙詩의 仙境
  1. 폭포(瀧)같이 세차게 흐르는 「요시노 강」
  2. 요시노 우타(歌)에서의 岩石과 仙境묘사
  3. 아스카 강에 담긴 신성성의 의미
 IV. 히토마로 노래와 「미모로(三諸)산」의 서정
  1. 미모로의 神과 아스카 강
  2. 神이 강림하는 신성한 산
 V. 아스카 강과 渭水에 공존하는 天上의 궁전 개념
 VI. 맺음말


  • 高龍煥 고용환. 慶南情報大學校


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