



A Study on the Trend of Leisure Activity Types of Elderly Chinese : Focused on Healthy Life-Style and Flow



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Nowadays, the aging phenomenon is rapidly expanding worldwide, and the importance of caring for and supporting the elderly is being magnified. Some problems about them, such as psychological issues, loneliness, social and economic isolation, cause social problems. The leisure activities that the elderly can do are limited due to health condition. However, according to the development of medical and a prolonged average life, the importance of leisure activity related to elderly’s quality of life is standing out and the level of one’s later years and life satisfaction are different. Also, some activities, like leisure activity, working, exercising and so on, can delay or prevent from aging and depression. Meanwhile, the market of Chinese tourists is the largest market in tourism business. Chinese tourists accounted for nearly 44.7% of inbound tourists 2014. Especially, the portion of preliminary aged people was rapidly growing from 2012 to 2014. So the number of Chinese elderly and preliminary aged tourists is expected to increase. So we need to know the trend of the elderly’s preference to preparation for the aged society. The purposes of this research were to (1) investigate the leisure activity and identify the relationship between each types of leisure activity and healthy lifestyle, and (2) investigate the moderating effect of flow on the relationship. Through the analysis, we would suggest the implication. Tested data has been collected from 130 Chinese elderly in China. The survey was conducted in China from 31, August to 29, November. The study executed regression analysis to investigate the influencing relationship among variables and hierarchical regression analysis to identify the moderating effect. The results indicated that (1) four factors of leisure activity, including tourism activities, sports activities, voluntary activities and appreciation activities, had significant effect on healthy lifestyle of Chinese elderly, however, social activity did not influence healthy lifestyle, and (2) there was a significant moderating effect on the relationship between three factors of leisure activities, including ‘voluntary activities’, ‘social activities’ and ‘appreciation activities’, and healthy lifestyle of Chinese elderly. Finally, the study could investigated the trend of Chinese elderly and preliminary aged people and suggested the development of tourism program for healthy life. Accordance with the results of this study, the tourism program may be consist of cultural heritage, traditional experience and unique sports.


 1. 序论
 2. 理论背景
  2.1. 闲暇活动
  2.2. 生活方式
  2.3. 闲暇沉迷
 3. 研究方法
  3.1. 研究设计
  3.2. 变数的定义以及测定
  3.3. 资料收集及统计分析方法
 4. 分析结果
  4.1. 表本的特性
  4.2. 变数的可信性和合理性
  4.3. 假设的验证
 5. 结论与启示


  • 金利泰 김이태. 观光会展系,釜山大学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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