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김종삼 시의 인상주의 연구 - 「베르가마스크」 시편을 중심으로 -


A Study on the Impressionism of Kim Jong-sam’s Poetry - focused on ‘bergamasque’ poems


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study examines the relevance between Kim-jongsam’s bergamasque poems and Impressionism art. The poet realized the limitations of Romanticism and Realism art. He paid attention to impressionism art in order to overcome it. He intends to represent the world more impressively than to represent it clearly. Bergamasque poems has many ambiguous and indefinite expressions. This attitude avoiding concrete naming of objects appears as passive metaphors. He wants to leave an impression that he can not be sure of if he can not be sure. It is not due to lack of narrative skills or descriptive techniques. Rather, it is a clear aesthetic attitude toward the object and the world. He struggled to fully understand the context and significance of the art history of Impressionism and introduce it more ripe into his work. It was revealed through the adaptation aspects of the Bergamasque poems. Through the process of adaptation, the poet has removed the spatial continuity and the perspective view maintained by the central point of view. In addition, he erased the present tense statement and unified it with the past tense statement. He rejects the subject-centered worldview. It is not to separate the world from the world by looking at the world with its intelligent contemplation but to include itself in the world and accept that it is part of the world. This aesthetic attitude is also an ethical attitude toward the world. Impressionism, which the poet wanted to accept, had to be transformed into a tragic impressionism in the postwar context of Korea. Compared to Western Impressionism, which still has humanistic colors, there is no trace of humanity in his poem. This dehumanization is not an aversion to the human being, but an abhorrence of the violence of human-centered representation that overwhelms all the objects of the world with humans. The will of the poet who wanted to represent the object without violence naturally came to impressionism, and it turned out to be a unique aesthetic form of it.


1. 서론
 2. 드뷔시 음악과 인상주의 예술
 3. 인상주의 예술 기법의 수용 양상
 4. 풍경의 평면화와 기억의 순수지속
 5. 비극적 인상주의와 비인간화
 6. 결론


  • 주완식 Joo, Wan-sic. 강원대학교 교양학부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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