

스웨덴어(SSL) 교육과정 분석을 통한 한국어(KSL) 교육과정에 대한 고찰



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to seek how to improve KSL curriculum through the analysis of SSL curriculum. This study compared SSL and KSL curriculums in terms of education system, policy, language assessment, purposes and learner groups, operation cases, and teacher education. Some of the findings are as follows: 1) Swedish curriculum system is relatively simple compared with the Korean counterpart; 2) for policy, the Swedish national test is administered every three years in elementary and secondary schools, which gives learners a motivation to learn Swedish; 3) for purposes and learner groups, SSL curriculum is focused on the functions of language learning rather than culture and social identity compared with KSL curriculum; 4) for assessment, SSL specified the contents and levels of evaluation depending on grades while KSL curriculum does not have a complete assessment. and 5) for teacher education, the two countries recognized the necessity of professionalism in teaching: Sweden started new curriculum since 2011, where 4-5 year SSL teacher programs for youths have been operated, but KSL teacher education mainly targeted programs for adults and qualified teachers.


  • 김영은 Kim, Young-Eun. 한국외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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