

의성·의태어의 한중 번역에 관한 연구: 정호승의 항아리에 등장한 표현을 중심으로



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to discover some features of Chinese translation of Korean onomatopoeia, which include onomatopoeic and mimetic expressions. The study analyzed 115 expressions from the 16 works of hangari (pot) which is written by Chung Ho-sung, one of the most well-known Korean writers. The Chinese translations were found to be classified into five different types: 1) maintaining onomatopoeia; 2) switching into patterns; 3) providing explanations; 4) deleting and 5) differentiating interpretations. The result showed that Type 3 (providing explanations) was most frequently used, being responsible for 39% of all the Chinese translations. Type 1, maintaining onomatopoeia, was responsible only for 26% of the translations, confirming that Korean has much more abundant onomatopoeia than Chinese. The other three types ranged from 10% to 14%, which requires some particular attentions of the translators. Finally, the study suggests a specific classroom activity which can facilitate effective learning of onomatopoeic translations of Korean into Chinese.


本文以韩国著名作家郑浩承的作品-坛子为研究对象,考析了收录在内的十六篇作品的115个象声词(拟声拟态词)的韩中翻译特征,并归纳整理出了五种翻译方法, 其方法具体分类为如下:1)保持同一属性; 2)定型转换; 3)说明式表达; 4)省略; 5)同词多样化。分析结果显示第三种类型(说明式表达)的使用率最高,占整个中文翻译的39%,而第一种类型,即保持同一属性的使用率仅为26%,以此可以得知韩国语的象声词数量远比中国语丰富。另外三种类型的使用率仅有10%到14%,但更需要译者的格外重视。本文还提出提高韩中翻译能力的课堂教学法详解了如何翻译象声词。


  • 김명순 Kim, Myeongsun. 세명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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