

Interaction Patterns in a Trilingual Mode: English- Mediated Chinese Class for Korean Kindergarteners*


Guanying Wu

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this research is to explore the interaction patterns in an English (L2)-mediated Mandarin Chinese (L3) class (native-taught) for young monolingual Korean (L1) learners. Twenty-nine class videos were collected and transcribed into 152 pages of Chinese, English, and Korean for this analysis. The interaction patterns in the English-mediated Chinese classes were analyzed using the IRF framework of Sinclair and Coulthard (1975) and Tsui (1994). The results and discussions were integrated into four main patterns to interpret the English-mediated Chinese classes: 1) the native Chinese teacher’s needs for class assistance, 2) the students’ enthusiastic but inadequate use of English, 3) the students’ voluntary Korean scaffolding, and 4) the students’ class participation needs. On the one hand, this research has provided the students’ response to the teacher’s use of Chinese and English (in a foreign language-only environment), which is intended for a better understanding of a classroom with a trilingual teacher and monolingual students. On the other hand, the research has implications for understanding use of an L2 to facilitate an L3 classroom, particularly in the situation of using two foreign languages in one classroom.


本文旨在研究针对韩语为母语的幼儿园七岁小学生在原语汉语老师用英语授环境下的三语互动模式。本研究搜集了二十九个课堂视频,将其转录为包含汉语,英语,和韩语的文本材料进行分析。研究方法采用了Si nc l a i r和 Coulthard(1975)和 Tsui(1994)的IRF框架,分析原语汉语老师用英语授课所产生的课堂互动模式。结果和讨论主要归结于四个方面:1)原语汉语教师的课堂辅助需求,2)学生使用英语的积极性及局限性,3)课堂中的同伴协作现象,以及 4)学生借助韩语参与课堂活动的现象。一方面,本研究探究了韩国小学生对原语老师使用中文和英语(仅限于外语的环境)的反应,目的是更好地理解三语老师和单语学生间的课堂互动。另一方面,本研究也在于理解使用L2来促进L3的课堂教学,尤其针对在一个课堂中使用两种外语的情况。


  • Guanying Wu Kyung Hee University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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