

But…What Will the Students Think? Factors Shaping University English Language Teachers’ Decisions to Teach Grammar


Claudia Keh

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



There is a growing body of research on English language teachers’ form-focused decision- making. However, less is known about such form-focused decisions at the tertiary level in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses (Burgess & Etherington, 2002). This study sought to discover the factors impacting on the grammar-related decisions of four EAP teachers at a large university in an Asian context—a context less investigated at the onset of this study. A qualitative case study methodology was adopted with data collected via videotaped, direct, non-participant classroom observations (including fieldnote taking) and semi-structured stimulated recall interviews (Gass & Mackey, 2000). The observed classroom lessons were videotaped and the interviews were audiotaped, and all were transcribed for analysis. The results of this study suggest that the teacher-participants’ anticipation of their students’ reaction to a focus on language form (grammar) factored heavily into the decisions the teachers made. These anticipations were found to be rooted in several factors: the teachers’ language learning histories (especially when the teacher has a shared background with the students); previous teaching experiences with the course at hand; and most notably, the teachers’ anticipation of their students’ evaluation of their teaching. The possible influence of student evaluations is an area less explored in research in teacherdecision making, but one that was found to be significant in this study, and is an area for further investigation.


 Literature Review
  Previous Experiences
  Knowledge about Grammar and Teacher Language Awareness
  Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) Scores
 The Study: Context, Objective, and Methodology
  Language Course and Participant Selection
  Data Analysis
 Findings and Discussion
  Previous Language Learning Experiences
  Previous Experience Teaching the Course
  Student Evaluation of Teaching
 The Author


  • Claudia Keh Education University of Hong Kong


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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