

Identifying with the L2 Self : Study Abroad Experiences of Japanese English Language Learners


Mitchell Fryer, Peter Roger

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A possible self is a combination of the self knowledge, thoughts and beliefs that we have regarding our future potential (Markus & Nurius, 1986). This study investigated the possible selves of eight Japanese niversity study abroad (SA) students. Dörnyei (2005) posited the L2 motivational self-system, comprised of the L2 ideal self as a construct for better understanding and predicting L2 motivation. Several studies and theoretical accounts indicate that discrepancies between current and ideal states can help predict motivation, as the possible self acts as a future self-guide (Dörnyei & Chan, 2013; Higgins, 1987; Ushioda & Dörnyei, 2012). The study identified several key contextual elements that contributed to changes in the participants’ L2 motivational self systems. These included ‘thrown in the deep end’ type interactions, good timing of interactions, conscious moves by the conversation partner to assist the participants, relaxed and positive atmosphere, opportunities to initiate and sustain interactions and one on one interactions that were in line with the participants’ own cultural identity. The findings suggest the contextual elements shaped the participants’ L2 ideal and feared self images and contributed to the identification of discrepancies between current and desired states which influenced study behaviours, goals and motivation over time.


 Literature Review
  Data Collection Instruments
  Data Analysis
  The Key Contextual Elements during SA that Influenced the Ideal L2 Self
  Characteristics of the Possible Selves in this SA Context
  Changes in L2 Motivation
 Limitations and Future Directions
 The Authors


  • Mitchell Fryer Macquarie University, Australia
  • Peter Roger Macquarie University, Australia


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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