

Analysis of Difference of Basic Learning Ability According to Departments of University Students


Jin-kyoung YOUK

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference of basic learning ability according to departments of college students. For this, MANOVA was performed. In order to reflect the difference between major fields, the norm was calculated considering the mean and standard deviation of the whole sample. The raw score was converted into the standard score T and used for the analysis. First, to understand the basic learning ability of college students, participants were classified according to major fields, and the average scores of major courses were checked for sub-areas of basic learning ability. As a result, the average scores varied depending on their major fields. The aeronautics, natural sciences, and health sciences majors, which have overlapping academic fields that emphasize a scientific approach, are ranked higher in the math ability as well as in overall scores. The Arts and Physics departments showed high scores in areas requiring humanistic literacy such as Literacy and Common Sense. Second, the differences in the division of college majors are analyzed by dependent variables. Literacy, Math, Common Sense, and IT were statistically significant (P = .000). Math was estimated at 65%, Literacy at 54%, Common Sense at 46%, and IT at 38%. In other words, students' majors affect the level of basic learning ability, and Math has the greatest influence among basic learning abilities. The results of this study are expected to provide useful information as theoretical and empirical data, to help us understand why the basic learning ability of college students is deteriorating, and set up appropriate educational treatment plan.


  Framework of Basic Learning Ability
  Issue: The Factors of Basic Leaning Ability
  Statistical Analysis
  Result 1. Basic Learning Ability of University Students
  Result 2. Difference of Basic Learning Ability According to Students’ MajorDept.


  • Jin-kyoung YOUK Ph.D., is Assistant Professor at the College of Liberal Arts, Far East University, Eumseong, South Korea.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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