

Exploring Strategies to Reduce Violence in Schools Against Students with Disabilities


So-young LEE

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Students with disabilities are more likely to be the targets of victimization than their general education peers. Intensive management of violence against students with disabilities in school is necessary. The purpose of this paper is to identify the risk and protective factors of peer victimization and try to find out effective strategies to reduce the violence in school. In order to reduce the incidence of bullying and peer victimization, additional focus is needed on the identification of factors associated with bullying, such as differences between disabled and non-disabled students, social networks, imbalance of power and social fluency, with the intensive supervision on the time and place of high incidence of school violence. In addition, the environmental barriers confronted with students with disabilities are to be recognized in dealing with the cases of school violence. Only by removing these barriers, the harmful consequences of school violence will be minimized.


  Students Receiving Special Education
  Disability Types of Special Education Students
  Monitoring Results of Human Rights Protection for Students withDisabilities
  Survey on Education Rights for Students with Disabilities
  Exploring Strategies to Reduce Violence in School
  Relational Factors of Bullying


  • So-young LEE Ph.D., is Professor at the Department of Social Welfare, Hanzhong University, Gangwon Province, South Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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