

An Essay on Gender Inequality in the Domestic Labor


Bo-young PARK

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article aims to critically examine gender inequality in the domestic labor which is the biggest obstacle to building a gender equal society in the 21st century. Gender inequality in the domestic labor is basically attributable to gender division of labor. Gender division of labor neglects the socioeconomic value of domestic labor, and takes the unpaid domestic labor of women for granted. However, it is unavoidable that this trend cannot continue in an aging and low fertility society. This is because it contradicts to not only the various social systems but also to the basic directions of social policies in an aging and low fertility society. This article reviews the causes and actualities of gender inequality in the domestic labor with a focus on gender division of labor, and also suggests what efforts should be followed to overcome them.


  Main Diagnosis of the Gender Division of Labor
  Social Consequences of the Gender Division of Labor
  Rethinking the Value of Domestic Labor
  Facing the Problem of Gender Inequality in the Domestic Division ofLabor


  • Bo-young PARK Associate Professor at the Department of Social Welfare, Far East University, Eumseong, South Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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