

한중 및 동아시아 인문학

현대중국어 양태동사 ‘可以’에 관한 연구


Analsis on Modal Verb “keyi(可以)” in Modern Chinese


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is a study on functional analysis of ‘Keyi(可以)’. In this paper, we extract the core functions of ‘Keyi(可以)’, Based on these core functions, we developed the method of analyzing the distinctive functions of ‘Keyi(可以)’ in each functional category. The core function of ‘Keyi(可以)’ is ‘recognition and elimination of disability’, and this core function gives distinctive function to ‘Keyi(可以)’ in each functional category. First, ‘Keyi(可以)’ in the dynamic modality category has the following distinctive functions. 1) Because it is the maximum value of the ability to overcome, it is impossible to collocate with degree adverb. 2) It contains the meaning of refutation to the audience viewpoint. 3) Unpredictable information that is not universal and is used to convey individual experience-based information. Second, ‘Keyi(可以)’ in the deontic modality category has the following distinctive functions. 1) The unmarked function of ‘可以’ is the ‘permission modal category’, and the ‘deontic modal catagory’ is the marked function expressed in the specific context. The role of the speaker changes according to the function of ‘keyi’. In the ‘permission function’, ‘speaker’ is a ‘disability eliminator’, but when it is ‘deontic function’, it plays a role as ‘disability creator’. 2) In the previous research, ‘deontic function of keyi’ and ‘zhide’ were treated as the same functional language. In this paper, I analyzed their functional differences. 3) The ironic syntactic meaning is ‘forbidden’, and ‘forbidden’ is a ‘deontic modal catagory’ because the speaker is a ‘disability creator’. On the other hand, in ‘concessive clause’, ‘keyi’ is ‘hypothesis about the extreme situation’ and ‘the maximum value that can be overcome’, so the role of speaker should also be regarded as ‘permission modal catagory’. third, ‘Keyi(可以)’ in the epistemic modality, ‘keyi’ has the following distinguishing features. 1) In the case of ‘epistemic modality category’, it is ‘the speaker's guess about the realization of a certain event’. On the other hand, cases that are not related to the realization of specific events can be divided into ‘dynamic modality category’ and ‘deontic modality category’. If there is no beneficiary of the action, it is a ‘dynamic modality category’, and if there are beneficiaries of the action, it is a ‘deontic modality category’. In fact, functional classification of modal verbs has already been completed in the previous research stage. However, research based on recognition semantics is still in its infancy, It can be said that the field of research has been made in order to have an interpretive power. I will try to reveal the part of this article which has not been clarified in the following study.


본고는 양태 동사‘可以’의 핵심기능을 원형범주론에 입각하여 추출하고, 각 양태 범주에서핵심 기능을 기반으로 한 ‘可以’만의 변별적인 기능을 분석하였다. 능력양태범주에서 ‘可以’는‘극복 가능한 최대치’이기에 정도부사와 공기할 수 없으며, 청자 관점에 대한 반박과 더불어예측 불가능한 개별적인 정보 표현에 사용되었다. 구속양태범주에서 ‘可以’의 무표적 기능은‘허가 양태’이고, 특정한 맥락에서만 ‘의무 양태’로 기능하게 된다. 아울러 ‘可以’는 의무 양태의 구성원이기에 화자가 ‘장애 형성의 주체’로서 역할하게 하지만, ‘화제-평언 구조’와 관련된‘值得’는 이러한 장애 개념과 무관하다. 인식 양태 범주에서 ‘可以’는 ‘특정사건과 관련된 경우’ 는 ‘인식 양태’이다. 특정 사건 실현과 관련이 없는 경우는 주어의 인칭과 동작의 수혜대상 유무에 따라 양태가 달라지는 데, 2․3인칭 주어문에선 동작의 수혜대상이 있을 경우엔 ‘인식양태’이지만, 동작의 수혜 대상이 없을 경우엔 ‘능력 양태(동적 양태의 하위 범주)’이다. 1인칭주어문의 경우엔 만약 동작의 수혜대상이 있는 경우는 ‘의무양태 범주(공약 양태 범주)’으로, 동작의 수혜대상이 없는 경우는 ‘동적 양태 범주(능력 양태 범주)’로 분류해야 한다.


 1. 서론
 2. ‘可以’의 핵심기능
  1) 핵심 기능의 설정 기준
  2) 可以의 핵심기능
 3. 핵심 기능을 통한 ‘可以’의 변별적 기능
  1) 능력 양태에서 ‘能’과의 기능 변별
  2) 구속 양태 범주에서의 ‘可以’
  3) 인식 양태에서 ‘可以’의 기능
 4. 결론


  • 박재승 Park, Jae-seung. 오산대학교 글로벌 중국어과 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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