

개방화와 조세정책의 변화:형평성을 중심으로


Globalization and The Change in Tax Policy : Focusing on Equity Issues

현진권, 이은우, 김태일

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Korea has relatively serious situation in income inequality comparing with OECD countris. One of most effective policies to reduce the degree of income inequity is tax policy with a pregressive system. However, the role of income tax policy has not been played effectively, due to generous deduction and various non-taxable items. Globalization has led to wholly different environment in tax policy. The role of tax policy in income redistribution had been successful under closed economy. However, its role has been completely changed under the gloabalized economy. Income inequality will be worse in future, as world econony becomes more globalized. By using aggregate data of OECD countries, we find that globalization had some impact on tax structure, but not on tax revenue. However, Korea did not show clear evidence about this impact. We expect that Korea will, in near future, have the impact of globalization on tax structure.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 소득불균형과 조세정책
  1. 소득불균형의 실태
  2. 조세정책의 소득재분배 기능
 Ⅲ. 개방화와 조세의 형평성
  1. 개방화와 조세환경의 변화
  2. 세부담의 형평성 문제
 Ⅳ. 조세체계 변화에 대한 개략적 분석
  1. 전체 세수규모
  2. 소비 관련세
  3. 법인세
  4. 개인소득세
  5. 한국의 경우
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 현진권 Jin Kwon Hyun. 한국조세연구원, 연구위원
  • 이은우 Eun Woo Lee. 울산대, 사회과학부
  • 김태일 Taeil Kim. 경희대, 행정학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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