The main purposes of this study are to analyze an industrial structure in the Kyongbuk region by the methods of regional analysis and to explain political strategies of the industrial structure. Until now, most regional studies were mainly analyzed by simple quantitative methods. However, in order to overcome these problems and to get an exact analysis results this study adopts various regional analysis methods. The selection of regional growth industry must be based on the results of various regional economic analyses and examined in terms of the conditions of location and regional characteristics. This study analyzes regional industrial structure using LQ method, shift-share analysis, regional growth rate differential analysis, and regional input-output model. The growth industries that are analyzed are as follows. Precisely, those of the manufacturing industries are agricultural mixed products, primary metal products, textile mill products, leather and fur products, electronic components and communications equipment, electrical machinery, motor vehicles, and other transportation equipment. And, those of the service industries are transportation and warehousing, communications, tourist business, and information and communication services. Conclusions driven by this study present some political strategies for growth of industrial structure of Kyongbuk region. Because these strategies have gradual effect over the real economy they must be executed in a consistent and continuous way.
II. 地域經濟分析技法에 의한 慶北地域 産業構造分析
1. 經濟 및 産業構造 推移
2. 立地係數(Location Quotient)에 의한 分析
3. 變化割當分析(Shift-Share Analysis)
4. 地域成長率 時差分析
5. 地域産業聯關分析
III. 慶北地域 産業構造에 관한 政策的 含意
1. 地域 成長有望産業의 選定
2. 産業構造에 대한 政策的 含意
IV. 結論