


산소투과도를 달리한 MA 필름으로 포장한 딸기 ‘매향’의 모의 수출 조건에서 품질 고찰


Study on Strawberry ‘Maehyang’ Qualities Packed with MA film of Different Oxygen Transmission Rate during Simulated Export Distribution Conditions

윤혁성, 최인이, 한수정, 김주영, 최가은, 윤재수, 강호민

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was conducted to determine types of oxygen transmission rate (OTR) films suitable for modified atmosphere (MA) storage treatment of strawberries (cv. ‘Maehyang’) for export and examination related changes in quality of strawberries during simulated shipping distribution conditions (2oC for 10 days~8oC for 11 days). Strawberries were packed by 1,300, 10,000, 20,000, and 30,000 cc/m2·day·atm OTR films for MA storage treatment and perforated film as the control for MAP. Fresh weight loss rate was less than 0.5% in OTR films except for the perforated film. Carbon dioxide and oxygen content in packages prevailed in permissible range for strawberries under recommended CA/MA conditions (i.e., CO2: 15~20%, O2: 5~10%) at 10,000 cc, 20,000 cc, and 30,000 cc OTR films. Ethylene content in OTR films did not reveal significant differences during storage. The 1,300 cc OTR film revealed highest off-flavor and lowest fungal incidence rate by sensory evaluation. The firmness, soluble solids, and visual quality were preserved the highest at 10,000 cc OTR film. In conclusion, 10,000 cc OTR film preserved the highest quality and extended shelf-life by 13 days if compared with conventional distribution conditions.


 재료 및 방법
 결과 및 고찰
 감사의 글


  • 윤혁성 Hyuk Sung Yoon. 강원대학교 원예 · 시스템공학부 원예과학전공
  • 최인이 In-Lee Choi. 강원대학교 원예 · 시스템공학부 원예과학전공, 강원대학교 농업생명과학연구원
  • 한수정 Su Jung Han. 강원대학교 원예 · 시스템공학부 원예과학전공
  • 김주영 Ju Young Kim. 강원대학교 원예 · 시스템공학부 원예과학전공
  • 최가은 Ga Eun Choi. 강원대학교 원예 · 시스템공학부 원예과학전공
  • 윤재수 Jae Su Yoon. 강원대학교 원예 · 시스템공학부 원예과학전공
  • 강호민 Ho-Min Kang. 강원대학교 원예 · 시스템공학부 원예과학전공, 강원대학교 농업생명과학연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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