

독서교육 측면에서 바라본 한국어 학습자에 대한 관점 변화 - 의미 구성과 의미 협상의 사이 -


A Transformation in Perspective on Korean Learners from the Viewpoint of Reading Education


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to explore about the perspective on Korean learners based on the context of the reader as a language learners in a viewpoint of reading education. So far, the learner who is searched in the field of Korean language education has been focused on the appearance as a good Korean user rather than as the subject of the meaning construction or the participant of the meaning negotiation. In fact, most Korean learners are mature learners who can deal with 'the meaning' already. Therefore, it is necessary to look at them as a subject that deals with meaning from a personal perspective and from a social perspective as a participant who negotiates meaning with other readers. Until now, readers have been regarded as learners who actively communicate with the authors and construct meaning about the texts. On the other hand, current readers are those who have the ability tho empathize with ‘you’ as the other readers. In other words, reading is not only a communication with the writer but also a negotiation between unfinished readers. From this point of view, semantic negotiation between learners, which is the subject of meaning construction, should be a key research subject in Korean language education.


 1. 서론
 2. 독서교육의 맥락
  2.1. 독서교육의 맥락 요인: 언어, 사용, 독자 그리고 교육
  2.2. 의미 구성 주체에서 의미 협상 참여자로
 3. 의미 구성과 의미 협상을 넘나드는 한국어 학습자
 4. 결론


  • 박정진 Park, Jungjin. 가톨릭대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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