

마을교육공동체 주제학습 운영 사례


A Case Study on the Thematic Integrated Learning as a Foundation of Building Village Based Education of Community


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study describes an instructional design procedure and operation case for thematic integrated learning as the foundation of community education in public elementary school. The following two research contents were set up for the third grade students of elementary school. First, describe the case of instructional design and operational process for the thematic integrated learning as the foundation of community education in public elementary school. Second, reveal the effects and limitations of the theme learning as the foundation of community education in public elementary school. In order to explore the problems of these studies, we I have described cases based on the participation of students in the planning and execution process of the educational curriculum conducted at the researcher's school, as well as the teaching materials, grade courses, and student results. So, the results are as follows in this study. The lesson planning process proceeded to three stages as planning stage, execution stage, and the arrangement stage. First, in the planning stage, the theme of "important life and ecology" was selected for students who practice ecological protection. By fostering susceptibility to living things, ecosystems, and educating the actual environment and ecology, the subject and the contents of the unit to be reconstructed were selected. Six sub-categories: 'I am Animal Expert', 'I am a City Farmer', 'We are Ecological Guardian', ‘We are Safety Guard', Nature is a playmate', 'Precious Life' were composed, and the goal of the subject learning was set. The progress of the theme learning was done. Second, in the execution stage, through the execution of the class, students showed how learning and sharing related to their life was accomplished in the village. It was able to present concrete examples by showing how the village education community training for ‘about Village’, ‘through village’, ‘for village’ was implemented. Third, the class was evaluated at the arrangement stage. The effect of this research is to make the learning process and process through the village curriculum connected. By doing so, students can learn knowledge, practice time, space, and living education through coincidence of knowledge and life. But to criticize, one school is not enough to generalize, and it was mainly a teacher who reconstitute the curriculum. Since the case is a case of the school conducted in the innovation school at the limit point, it is difficult to generalize, and it is said that the subject of restructuring of the curriculum is restricted to only the teacher and said operator.


효율적인 교육공동체의 운영과 이에 대한 성과를 거두기 위해서 학생들이 자신의 삶의 터 전인 마을 속에서 자신의 삶과 연관된 경쟁보다는 협력, 단기적인 지식인 아닌 지속가능한 배움과 생태적 개념의 교육을 통해 미래 사회의 올바른 구성원으로서 성장할 수 있도록 이제 는 학교와 마을이 함께 하는 마을교육공동체를 구축해야 한다. 마을교육공동체 교육이란 학생들이 마을을 통해서, 마을에 관해서, 그리고 마을을 위해서 할 수 있는 배움을 말한다. 학생들의 삶과 연계된 배움과 새로운 시대에 부응하는 인간으로 의 성장을 도모하기 위해 학교가 주축이 되어 마을의 물적 인적 자원을 학년교육과정과 어떻 게 결합하여 운영할 수 있는지 마을교육공동체 주제학습 운영에 대한 방법론과 사례를 제시 하고 있다. 본 연구의 범위는 서울형 혁신지구 안의 혁신초등학교에서 연구되었기 때문에 연구 결과의 일반화는 어려울 수 있으나, 사례 운영 결과에 대한 성과와 학생 교사의 변화 모습을 알려줄 수 있으며, 학생들이 지식을 배우고 실천하는 살아있는 교육이 될 수 있는 마을교육과정을 운영하고자 할 때 수업 설계와 실행, 정리 단계 진행에 도움이 될 것이다.


 I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경
  1. 교육공동체의 철학적 배경
  2. 교육 공동체와 마을교육공동체
  3. 마을교육공동체 교육 유형
 III. 연구 방법
  1. 연구방법과 대상
  2. 연구 절차
  3. 연구 자료
 IV. 마을교육공동체 주제학습 계획 기술
  1. 교육과정 계획
  2. 수업 실행 계획
 V. ‘소중한 생명과 생태’ 실행 사례 기술
  1. 나도 동물 전문가
  2. 우리는 생태 지킴이!
  3. 우리는 생명 지킴이!
  4. 소중한 생명
  5. 나도 도시 농부!
  6. 자연은 놀이 친구
 V. 결론


  • 최은정 Choe, Eunjeong. 서울월천초등학교 교사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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