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Interspecific Hybridization between Populus caspica L. × P. deltoids L 62/154 Using in vitro Embryo Development and Germination



Populus. caspica L. is an Iranian indigenous poplar species which naturally distributed in the northern part of country. Unfortunately, overuse has removed many of the stems of better form, so that natural stands now usually appear small and crook. Therefore genetic variation for selection of new superior clone of this species is needed. Conventional hybridization system is currently used to induce genetic variation in poplar species but incompatibility barriers have been observed between them. In vitro ovule embryo culture was used to overcome incompatibility obstacle for interspecific hybridization between Populus caspica L. with Populus deltoids L.62/75. Female flowers of Populus caspica L. have artificially been pollinated with pollen grain of P. deltoides 62/75 in one direction using twig and pot crossing system. Ovaries at different ages (7, 14 and 21 days after pollination) were disinfected through 70% ethanol for 1 minute, 5% of sodium-hypochlorite solution for fifteen min followed by three time rising with sterile distil-water. Isolated ovaries were then transferred to MS hormone free medium containing 30 and 60 g/L sucrose for embryo development and germination. Collected data have been analyzed by two factorial experimental designs. The results indicated that there were significant differences between age of embryos for development and germination at =0.01%. Highest embryo germination (45%) was observed from 21 days old ovaries. No significant differences were observed between MS culture media containing 30 and 60 g/L for percentages of ovary-embryo germination and number of germinated embryo per ovary at =0.05%. Fourteen percentage of embryo germination obtained in MS medium supplemented with 60 g/L sucrose, while only 35% of isolated ovaries were able to germinate in MS containing 30 g/L sucrose. Induced plantlets in 4 cm height were transferred into pots containing soilless (1:1:1 peat, per lit and vermiculite) medium for acclimatization. After successful acclimatization, plants were delivered to nursery.


 Materials and Methods
 Results and Discussion
  Effect of ovaries ages on embryo development and germination
  Effect of sucrose concentration embryo developmentand germination


  • Jafari mofidabadi Ali Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Golestan Research Center of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Gorgan 4915677555, Iran
  • Kamandloo Mansooreh Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Golestan Research Center of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Gorgan 4915677555, Iran
  • Selamti Hamid Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Golestan Research Center of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Gorgan 4915677555, Iran


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