

재난현장 유해물질 노출 시민 및 소방공무원 질병관리 제도적 보장에 관한 연구 - 미국 911테러 사건을 통한 교훈을 기반으로 -


A Study on Institutional Guarantee to Enhancing Diseases Management for Citizens and Fire Fighters exposed with Toxic Substances at a Disaster Site - based on lessons from 911 terrorism in the U.S. -

김진근, 박찬석

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, using the synetics technique for strategies by making unfamiliarity into familiarity in the case of 911 terrorism. This study has meaningful messages for citizens and firefighters’ illness caused by disaster sites in the field of disaster management in Korea. There are 7 stages to explain cause of a variety of cancers happening to citizens and firefighters in this study. The 7 stages are composed of real situation, direct analogies, personal analogies, symbolic analogies, new direct analogies, and review. This synetics will contribute to providing better ideas for citizens and firefighters’ physical and mental health conditions.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구 방법 (Method)
 2. 이론적 배경: 시네틱스(synetics) 기법
  2.1 시네틱스 기법의 개념과 특징
  2.2 시네틱스 기법의 조작기제
  2.3 시네틱스 절차
 3. 시네틱스기법의 「911테러」 재난사례 적용
  3.1 사례의 시네틱스의 적용 1단계: 「실제상황 투입」
  3.2 사례의 시네틱스(synetics)의 적용 2단계: 「관계자 직접유추」
  3.3 사례의 시네틱스(synetics)의 적용 3단계: 「개인적 유추(추정)」
  3.4 사례의 시네틱스(synetics)의 적용 4~5단계: 「유추의 비교」
  3.5 사례의 시네틱스(synetics)의 적용 6~7단계: 「재탐색 및 유추의 일반화」
 4. 결론
  4.1 연구의 요약
  4.2 정책적 함의
 5. References


  • 김진근 Jin-Keun Kim. 서울시립대학교 일반대학원 재난과학과
  • 박찬석 Chan-Seok Park. 우송정보대학교 소방안전관리과


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