

기계 시스템 생산 작업관리자 직무 분석에 의한 안전직무교육 개발에 관한 연구


A Study on Development of Safety Duty Education According to Production Manager Job Analysis in the Mechanical System

양광모, 김창식

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As the demand for automation (or autonmation) or clean workplace has grown, the interest in the knowledge and skill regarding safety is rising in manager duty. Moreover, the importance of severity rate of injury has increased due to the enlargement of industry scale, even safety management area has developed. Thus, it is important that production managers, the core of the line process, realize the safety in their production line, even if a safety manager acts as a staff. However, in the duty oriented National Competency Standard (NCS), the education about the safety duty of production management part is insufficient. According to NCS, it is calculated production managers receive only 6.7% of whole safety education regarding the duty related the safety management for production manager in mechanical industry. However, the ability in safety is more demanded from production managers as the concept of “production and safety” turns into the concept of “production with safety”. And then in this paper, we will compare and analyze the safety management duty in Korean NCS and the safety management duty in State Leaders Connecting Learning to Work in US manufacturing industry, in terms of the duty of the production manage in mechanical industry (05). And, we will develop the safety duty education system for production manager, by classifying the safety education in domestic mechanical industry into knowledge education, skill education, and attitude education with using AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process).


 1. 서론
 2. 선행 연구
 3. 안전직무 분석
  3.1 기계 분야 생산관리 안전직무 눙력단위분석
  3.2 기계안전직무 능력단위 분석
  3.3 미국 노동부 제조 안전직무 분석
 4. 안전 직무 교육 설계
  4.1 중점분석 기법
  4.2 의사결정 변수 및 분석대상 직무
 5. 결론 및 향후 연구과제
 6. References


  • 양광모 Kwang-Mo Yang. 유한대학교 산업경영과
  • 김창식 Chang-Shik Kim. 유한대학교 산업경영과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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