

중국어 학부번역교육에서 번역일지 적용에 관한 연구


A study on the use of translation diary in undergraduate translation class of Korean into Chinese


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Chinese translation education began and spread as part of practical training in Chinese language education. The translation education was used as a tool of language acquisition, and thus the Chinese translation education was abnormally expanded. Therefore, in this study, it was clarified that the aim of the undergraduate translation education is to cultivate the competence of translation. For the 'process - oriented teaching' of the undergraduate course, ‘translation diary’ was suggested as a method of translation classes. Also, based on the students' statements written in the translation diary, this study analyzed how the translation competence is cultivated through the undergraduate course. In conclusion, 'translation knowledge competence' and 'instrumental competence', which are sub-competence of translation competence, were influencing students' 'translation competence'. At the beginning of the translation class, the students' problems were focused on solving the problem of linguistic level. However, as the lessons progressed, the focus of the students' problems shifted to solving the 'problem of translation level'. And this study confirmed that the strategic competence was improved in this process. Translation diary is a great tool for 'process-oriented teaching' and a good teaching methodology for translation education researchers.


 I. 들어가는 말
 II. 학부 번역교육에서 번역능력
 III. 번역일지와 번역문제인식의 유형
 IV. 번역일지 수집과 분석
  1. 문제인식 유형에 따른 분석
  2. 번역능력의 분석
  4. 번역일지의 유용성
 V. 결론


  • 강수정 Kang, Su Jung.. 숙명여자대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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