

귀환체험담의 ‘비극’ 재현 담론 속 ‘반전평화주의’ - 1970년대 전환기의 귀환체험담 담론비평 -


Antiwar Pacifism and ‘Tragedy’ Reenactment Discourse in Stories of Return : Criticizing the Discourse of Stories of Return During the 1970s Transitional Period


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study examines statements regarding stories of return in their historical context rather than from the standpoint that they are war stories. It explores the consciousness reflected in the stories’ evolution from the 1970s onward, and the influence of contextual circumstances. It also analyzes Itsuki Hiroyuki’s book, “Door of Youth” as a subtext to explore internal factors that led to the stories’ spontaneous emergence. Like recollections of the bombing of Hiroshima, stories of return serve as a mechanism for the representation of “non-peaceful situations” in Japan. While the stories are discussed in a nationalist discourse since they entail the “consciousness of war victims,” their relevance and reemergence following the Japanese earthquake in 2011, alongside a claim that national unity for the sake of reconstruction is reversed pacifism, is questionable. Stories of return disguise victimhood nationalism as pacifism and are not structured simply as narratives of “war vs. peace.” In other words, one cannot claim from an anthropological perspective that stories of return, which emerge in times of economic or environmental crisis, reveal the “antiwar- pacifism” characteristic of World War II. Rather, the research reveals that the stories reflect individual realities and “life-pacifism” that fear societal collapse due to violent events.




Ⅰ. 머리말 : 부흥과 평화주의
 Ⅱ. 1970년대 시대적 ‘자극’과 귀환체험기
 Ⅲ. ‘비극’ 재현을 통한 ‘평화’ 염원
 Ⅳ. 맺음말 : ‘비일상’의 대립 구도로서의 ‘평화주의’


  • 박이진 PARK, LEE JIN. 서울대학교일본연구소 연수연구원, 일본근현대문학 전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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